conservative club Hampshire
conservative club Hampshire
Court Barn Conservative Club
Court Barn Lane
Broom Way, Lee-on-the-Solent
Hampshire PO13 9NZ

Tel: 02392 550448
conservative club Hampshire

Membership Details

The Committee

The Committee manage all aspects of the club under the leadership of Les Jury our chairman.

The committee is made up of :

  • Les Jury (Chairman)
  • John Allen (Vice Chairman)
  • Pat Homer (President)
  • Pauline Patterson (Vice President)
  • Steve McGuinness (Secretary)
  • Gez Hewitt (Treasurer)

Committee Members:
  • Trevor Reed (Maintenance)
  • Val Newton (Garden)
  • Bernice Evans (Entertainment)
  • Doug Carrington (Entertainment)
  • Sue Carrington (Entertainment)
  • Paul Watson (House & Facilities)
  • Alex Beaumont (Catering)

conservative club hampshire


New memberships are available and a viewing can be arranged by contacting the secretary, Steve McGuinness on 02392 550448 between the hours of 09.30 & 12.30, Monday to Friday or by email to

  • Joining Fee: £20.00
  • Association: £3.00 *
  • Annual Subscription: £49.00
  • Share: £0.25
  • VAT: £11.50
  • Inter Affiliation Card: £2.50 (Optional)

* The Association Fee is compulsory unless you are a fully paid up member of a Conservative Constituency Association.

There are 'Meet and Greet' evenings for new members.

conservative club hampshire


Rule 8. The election of members shall be vested solely in the Committee and shall be by ballot. Two votes against admission shall exclude a candidate.

Rule 9. Only persons, being subscribing members or supporters of the Conservative Party, not being under 18 years of age, shall be entitled to be eligible for membership.

Rule 10. Any two members of not less than six months standing may propose and second a candidate for membership and shall be able from personal knowledge to vouch for the candidate's respectability and fitness to be a member and both of them shall sign the nomination form, as shall the candidate, who by doing so, shall pledge to support the Conservative Party and to abide by the Rules of the Club now, or hereafter, in force, in the event of his being elected a member. No paid employee of the Club shall be eligible for membership.

Rule 11. The name, address, and occupation of each candidate, and the names of the proposer and seconder, shall be posted on the Club Notice Board at least seven days before the day on which the candidate's name is to be submitted for election.

Rule 12. Any member who is of the opinion that any candidate so proposed would not be a desirable member, shall inform the Secretary/Manager who shall communicate the objection to the Committee.

Rule 13. The Committee may require the attendance of any proposer, seconder and their candidate to answer such questions as may be put to them. Should they not appear before the Committee if summoned to do so, or send an explanation which the Committee shall deem to be satisfactory for not doing so within four weeks, that application for election shall be rejected.

Rule 14. No candidate, other than a candidate elected under Rule 15 (1), shall be admitted to the privileges of membership, until having been :- (a) formally elected a member by the Committee, and
(b) notified of election by the candidate's proposer, and
(c) paid the first subscription together with any entrance fee which may be determined by the Committee, and
(d) shall have paid for and have been allotted one share duly registered in the register of the Club, and
(e) in no circumstances shall a candidate be admitted to the privileges of membership until a minimum of seven days have elapsed between nomination and election to membership. Membership of the Club and acceptance of these Rules by a member shall be deemed to constitute consent to the holding of relevant personal data for the purpose of the Data Protection Act.

Court Barn Conservative Club
Court Barn Lane
Broom Way
Hampshire PO13 9NZ

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